Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Questions On Advanced Discrete Math And Algorithms

CS7800: Advanced Algorithms. Fall 2016 Homework 1 Solutions Author: Aditeya Pandey, Collaborators: Micha Schwab,Supraja Krishnan †¢ Problems 1-3 are meant as a review of undergraduate discrete math and algorithms. They shouldn’t take you too long, but I recommend starting these right away to make sure that you have the appropriate background for this course. †¢ You must type your solutions using L A TEX. Please submit both the source and PDF files using the naming conventions lastname hw1.tex and lastname hw1.pdf. †¢ Strive for clarity and conciseness in your solutions, emphasizing the main ideas over low-level details. I recommend looking at the introduction in Jeff Erickson’s textbook for advice on writing up solutions to algorithms problems. †¢ Do not share written solutions, and remember to cite all collaborators and sources of ideas. Sharing written solutions, and getting solutions from outside sources such as the Web or students not enrolled in the class is strictly forbidden. 1Review Problems Problem 1 (Review of Asymptotic Growth). Arrange the following list of functions in ascending order of growth rate. That is, if function g(n) immediately follows function f (n) in your list, then it should be the case that f (n) is O(g(n)). (You do not need to provide proofs.) 2 f 1 (n) = 4n 2 + n log 28 (n) √ f 4 (n) = n + 40 n f 2 (n) = 2 n f 3 (n) = 1024n log 2 (n) f 5 (n) = 10 n f 6 (n) = 3n log 2 (n) f 7 (n) = n 2 log 8 n f 8 (n) = 4096 log 42 (n) f 9 (n) = n log 2 (3) SolutionShow MoreRelatedBasic Arithmetic Operators And Advanced Trigonometry Features Essay1088 Words   |  5 PagesThe deliverable is to include basic arithmetic operators and advanced trigonometry features, combinations, permutations, and equation operating system features similar to TI30X IIS: 1. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Advanced Physical And Intellectual Competence Free Essays

I recognize the advancing children physical and intellectual competence by creating learning experiences that stimulates physical, cognitive, communicative and creative growth. To advance physical and intellectual competence it is essential to the growth and development of every child to advance their physical and intellectual needs. There are numerous ways to encourage this type of development. We will write a custom essay sample on Advanced Physical And Intellectual Competence or any similar topic only for you Order Now Children are encouraged to participate in daily large motor activities to enhance physical development. One activity that they enjoy is dance children naturally love music and there’s nothing better to get their little bodies moving and shaking. One easiest ways to incorporate physically activity into both you lives is pick a few random songs at intervals throughout the day and just dance like crazy. Even just two or three song quickly add up a 10 minutes session, which is just right for your preschool aged children’s attention span. If you’re looking for more ways to explore dance which your preschool aged children, think back to silly songs and nursery rhymes of your own childhood and share those. I help children develop cognitive skills by encouraging them to hypothesize and think things out. For example the main aspects for cognitive growth can be fostered with daily activities such as stacking, sorting, observing and learning cause and effect. Coming up with cognitive activities is very easy. You can sort blocks, arranging them by size and color. You can stack object – books are great for this, you can have a treasure hunt too! For this all you need is a short and easy set of objects and a magnifying glass. I allow exploration to your children’s cognitive development. In my center I help children learn, understand, and use words to communicate. One lesson that is especially effective in developing communication skill is music. Music is a great way to encourage language development. You can find a sort of preschool age songs online can help you in this area. You can also use I spy, and question and answer games. Anything that involves word development is good activities since children love to ask you questions. A strength of this lesson is that it incorporate children who are English as second language learners and need a good mix of repetition and new material. By incorporating songs, asking daily short conversation, quick simple things repeated daily and practice basic vocabulary every day, children will understand the lessons. Creativity is fostered throughout our classroom. Children have access to, an area and are encouraged to use various art supplies to create their own artwork. Paint, markers, pencils, crayons, oil pastels, and paper are readily available for children to freely explore. An activity I love to do where children use their imagination is designing butterflies. They combine different bodies and wings to design their own butterflies; then animate them in one of several beautiful scenes. Another example is drawing a mural. They explore line, shape, and space while arranging decorative tiles into an abstract picture. How to cite Advanced Physical And Intellectual Competence, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Trip to California free essay sample

TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Upon preparing to write this paper, many events came to mind. The event that stood out the most was the family vacation we took to California during the hot summer month of July, 2006. Excitement, anticipation, and curiosity filled the two years it took to plan this trip. The elements that made this experience so especial were; the anticipation and planning, the wonderful adventure we faced, and the impact it had on me and my family. It was a trip that we went on with my sister and her family, which would be our first trip together. The night the trip was booked, I continuously paced the floor looking out of my bedroom window to see if my husband was home from work yet. Since he was working out of town, I did not have the chance to tell him about the trip. As he drove up our driveway, I ran outside to tell him the good news. We will write a custom essay sample on Trip to California or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I said â€Å"Carlos, guess where we are going in July! † before he could even reply, I yelled out, â€Å"California! † It seemed like forever before we would finally be on our way, but before we knew it we were on the plane listening to the flight attendant announcing â€Å"fasten your seatbelts please and prepare for landing into Los Angeles International Airport. We were embarking on an amazing journey, with some of the biggest thrill rides the world has ever known. After showing everyone’s passports and identification at customs, the reality finally hit me. I was making my first visit to California and my second trip out of the country. As we approached California, I began to get butterflies, as if I was starting my first day of school. My first impression of the city was very busy, modern and my eyes were drawn to The Hilton Hotel where we were staying for the week. When we entered the hotel, I noticed the luxurious entrance that was surrounded by a colourful garden, which also leads to an even more elaborate hotel. After a very delicious breakfast the next morning, we were ready to embark on our week of adventure. We then began to realize, how hard it was to decide where to start. After sorting through the many options, we decided to go to Universal Studios. Universal Studios has many rides that we would for sure enjoy. Spiderman, The Hulk, The Simpsons Shrek 4D, Terminator, and Curios George were some of the choices. The next two days we spent at SeaWorld, because there was a lot to see. It was an awesome experience for the kids. They got to touch and feed the animals in the zoos and aquariums. They also had the opportunity to get very close to the dolphins and sea lions. We also watch the shows being performed. The experience was so thrilling that they did not want to leave the park. It was a very long and tiring day. When we got back to the hotel we all went straight to bed. After spending two wonderful days at SeaWorld, we decided the next adventure we would embark on, would be The Magic Kingdom. The Magic Kingdom offers many rides such as; The Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean and many others, too many to mention. Some of the rides were slow and childish while others were dark and scary. One of my fondest memories of the Magic Kingdom was meeting Mickey Mouse, giving goofy a hug and meeting all of my favourites Disney characters. On the fifth and sixth days we visited Epcot Centre and MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer). Epcot Centre has displays that represented different countries, but sadly not many rides. Epcot centre is geared toward Technology and Science. It is more of an adult environment. The kids did not really enjoy themselves because of height restrictions. MGM had a good selection of shows and rides for the kids, like Rock-n-Roll, Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. On the last day we went to Downtown Disney Market place, where there is shopping, restaurants, live music and an area where the kids can play while you shop. We spent the day shopping for souvenirs and trinkets to take back to Canada. After shopping for the day we went out for a family dinner to celebrate our last day in California. While eating dinner we noticed the fireworks in the sky that was the most incredible way to end our vacation. The greatest place on the face of the earth is Disneyland. Nowhere else has the magic that Disneyland Possesses. My family and I, still to this day talk about our adventure in California. The anticipation and curiosity that we planned for, for two years were exceeded beyond expectations. It was a trip we will definitely look back and talk about for long time. The family vacation was a thrilling experience that we would definitely do again.